Short Biographies
Nalini Anantharaman is a French mathematician and professor at the
University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France. Her research interests are
concentrated in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, including
Quantum Mechanics (such as the Schrödinger equation) and wave
propagation. She received the Henri Poincaré Prize in 2012. She is
Vice-President of the Société Mathématique de France. |
Martin Andler teaches mathematics at the University of Versailles
Saint-Quentin; he has held visiting positions at MIT and Rutgers
University. His research focuses on two main areas: representation
theory of Lie groups, and the history of 20th century mathematics.
He is the chairman of Animath,
a French organisation promoting mathematics for kids. |
Alexander Bobenko is a professor of Mathematics at the Technische
Universität Berlin, Germany. His fields of interest include
geometry, mathematical physics and applications - in particular
differential geometry, discrete differential geometry, integrable
systems, Riemann surfaces, and geometry processing. He is currently
coordinator of the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Center
"Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics", a member of the
Executive Board of the Berlin Mathematical School, and a member of
the DFG Research Center "Matheon". |
John Conway is one of the most prolific mathematicians. He is
probably best known for the "Game of Life," which he invented, as
well as for "combinatorial game theory" that he developed (partly
in collaboration): a very natural and simple definition that lead
to a class of games with incredibly rich structure, containing the
now-famous "surreal numbers." He has made substantial contributions
to many other areas of mathematics, for instance group theory. He
greatly enjoys spending time and discussing with students. |
Hans Feichtinger is an Austrian mathematician and a professor in
the Mathematical Faculty of the University Wien. He is
editor-in-chief of the Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
(JFAA) and associate editor to several other journals. He is one of
the founders of and head of the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group
(NuHAG) at the University of Vienna. Today Feichtinger's main field
of research is Harmonic Analysis with a focus on Time-Frequency
Analysis. |
Gerhard Frey is a professor at Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
He is widely known for his work in Number Theory. His Frey curve
was central to Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Frey was
co-editor of the Manuscripta Mathematica. He was awarded the Gauss
medal of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in
1996 for his work on Fermat's Last Theorem. Since 1998, he has been
a member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences. In 2006 Frey
received the Certicom ECC Visionary Award for his contributions to
Elliptic Curve Cryptography. His research areas are Number Theory
and Arithmetical Geometry, with applications to Coding Theory and
Cryptography. |
Matthias Görner obtained his Master degree in Computer Science and
his PhD degree in Mathematics at Berkeley University. He was
interested in Hyperbolic Geometry and had a PostDoc position at the
University of Maryland, where he worked with Christian Zickert on
representations of 3-manifold groups and developing software to
compute them. Currently, Matthias is working at Pixar Animation
Studio where he develops animation software. His interests include
programming, animation, Tango, and the San Francisco Bay Area. |
Olga Holtz is a professor of Mathematics at the University of
California-Berkeley, a professor of Applied Mathematics at
Technical University Berlin, and a professor at the Berlin
Mathematical School. She received the Sofja Kovalevskaja award in
2006 and a European Mathematical Society Prize in 2008. Among her
research interests are Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory,
Commutative Algebra, Enumerative Combinatorics, Compressive Sensing
and Probability. Her Erdös number is 3. |
Ilia Itenberg is a professor at the Université Pierre et Marie
Curie (Paris 6), France, and a member of the Institut Universitaire
de France. His main fields of interest are Real Algebraic Geometry,
topology of algebraic varieties, Symplectic Geometry, Tropical
Geometry and Enumerative Geometry. He has authored numerous books,
articles, and technical papers on various aspects of mathematics.
This includes Tropical Algebraic Geometry, On Total
Reality Of Meromorphic Functions, and Mathematical Circles -
Russian Experience. The last book was written to encourage
students from secondary schools to develop recreational
mathematical skills while keeping in line with the Russian
tradition of forming mathematics study groups. |
Alexandre Kirillov is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania
and is known for his works in the fields of Representation Theory,
Topological Groups, and Lie groups. In 1962, Kirillov was the
youngest Doctor of Science in the Soviet Union. During his school
years, Kirillov was a winner of many mathematics competitions, and
he is still an active organizer of Russian mathematics contests.
Kirillov is an author of many popular school-oriented books and
articles. In 2012, he became a fellow of the American Mathematical
Society. |
Victor Kleptsyn is a researcher at CNRS, in the Institute of
Mathematical Research of Rennes. His working themes are mainly
Dynamical Systems and Geometry. His belief is that most arguments,
theorems, and proofs in the mathematics should be visual, and
easily explicable, at least on the "why should it be true" level of
explanation. |
Yair N. Minsky is an American mathematician and is currently a
professor at Yale University, USA. He obtained his PhD degree at
Princeton University, USA, where his PhD advisor was William
Thurston. His main interests are Hyperbolic Geometry, particularly
the deformation and classification theory of hyperbolic
3-manifolds, and the study of surfaces, particularly mapping class
groups and their structure from the point of view of Geometric
Group Theory. He also works in Teichmüller Theory and Holomorphic
Dynamics. Together with Jeffrey Brock and Richard Canary he gave a
proof of the Ending Lamination Conjecture of Thurston (in
Hyperbolic Geometry). |
Gaiane Panina is a professor at the St. Petersburg Institute for
Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science. Her
research interests are convex polytopes, Combinatorial Geometry,
polygonal linkages, with
illustrations here. She particularly enjoys participation in
mathematical schools, both lecturing and attending classes given by
her colleagues. |
Dierk Schleicher is professor of mathematics at Jacobs University
Bremen. He obtained his PhD at Cornell University, NY, and held
visiting positions in Berkeley, Stony Brook, Paris, Toronto, and
München. His main research interests are in Dynamical Systems and
Chaos, especially in Holomorphic Dynamics and the Mandelbrot set,
and the dynamics of Newton's root-finding method. He was one of the
main organizers of the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad
(IMO) 2009 in Bremen. |
Sergei Tabachnikov is a professor of mathematics at Penn State
University and is the Director of the MASS (Mathematics Advanced
Study Semesters) program at Penn State. His research interests
include Geometry, Topology, and Dynamical Systems; one of his
favorite topics is mathematical billiards. In 2013-15, he is
serving as the Deputy Director of ICERM (Institute for
Computational and Experimental Mathematics) at Brown University. He
(co)authored several books, including Mathematical Omnibus,
a collection of 30 lectures on classical mathematics. In 1988-90,
Sergei headed the mathematical section of Kvant (Quantum)
magazine, a Russian monthly on physics and mathematics for high
school and college students. |
Vlad Vicol is an assistant professor at Princeton University, USA.
He obtained his PhD at the University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, and currently holds a visiting position at the Institut
Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. His main research interests are in
Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical
Fluid Dynamics and nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential
Equations. |
Don Zagier is an American mathematician whose main area of work is
number theory. In 1976, aged only 24, he became Germany's youngest
professor. Among many other things, he is known for discovering a
short and elementary proof of Fermat's theorem on sums of two
squares: it consists of a single sentence. He is currently one of
the directors of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn,
Germany, and a professor at the Collège de France in Paris,
France. |
Günter M. Ziegler is a professor at the Freie Universität, Berlin.
His interests are in connection of Discrete and Computational
Geometry (especially polytopes), algebraic and topological methods
in Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics and the theory of Linear and
Integer Programming. He received numerous prizes, among them the
2001 Leibniz Prize for his research and the Communicator Award in
2008, when he was a co-organizer of the "Year of Mathematics" in
Germany. His writing includes Proofs from THE BOOK, which
has been published in 14 different languages by now. |