Progress in Mathematics for Communication Systems
Lectures and Complementing Materials
Jörg Bühler
John Cioffi
Neele von Deetzen
Chris Flake
Niklas Grip
Martin Grötschel
Harald Haas
- Capacity Issues of Wireless Networks
Markus Hansen
- An Introduction to Approximation Theory
Khaled Hassan
Werner Henkel
Fangning Hu
Rolf Johannesson
- Minimality Questions for Convolutional Encoders - Part I
- Minimality Questions for Convolutional Encoders - Part II
Emily King
Thorsten Koch
Chen Koker
Werner Kozek
Werner Kozek and Götz Pfander
Felix Krahmer
Amir Leshem
- Applications of Game Theory to Multiuser Communication over Interference-limited Channels
- Distributed Spectrum Management for DSL
Apirath Limmanee
Maja Loncar
Thomas Magesacher
- Spectrally Efficient Multicarrier Modulation
Reza Moosavi
Oshri Naparstek
- Information Theoretic Approach for Radar Beamforming Design
Humberto Neto
Tomas Nordström
Peter Oswald and Werner Henkel
Henning Paul
Götz Pfander
Jossy Sayir
- Iterative Decoding and LDPC Codes - Part I
- Iterative Decoding and LDPC Codes - Part II
- Iterative Decoding and LDPC Codes - Part III
Martin Schubert
Shuying Shi
- Weighted Sum-rate Optimization for Multiuser MIMO Systems with Linear Equalization
Amin Shokrollahi
- Fountain Codes on the Erasure Channel
- Raptor Codes on Binary Symmetric Channels
Thomas Strohmer
Michael Stoll
Steffen Trautmann
