Progress in Mathematics for Communication Systems
Confirmed Speakers
Prof. Dr. Dr. Holger Boche, Chair for Mobile Communications, TU Berlin
Prof. Dr. John Cioffi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Grötschel, Konrad Zuse Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Harald Haas, Electrical Engineering Group, Jacobs University Bremen
Prof. Dr. Werner Henkel, Electrical Engineering Group, Jacobs University Bremen
Prof. Dr. Rolf Johannesson, Dept. of Information Technology, Lund University
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch, Zuse Institute Berlin
Dr. Werner Kozek, Siemens, Wien
Prof. Dr. Peter Oswald, Mathematics Group, Jacobs University Bremen
Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander, Mathematics Group, Jacobs University Bremen
Prof. Dr. Amin Shokrollahi, Laboratoire de Mathématique Algorithmique, EPFL
Prof. Dr. Michael Stoll, Mathematics Group, Jacobs University Bremen
Prof. Dr. Thomas Strohmer, Dept. of Mathematics, UC Davis
Dr. Steffen Trautmann, Infineon Technologies, Villach
